February 06, 2017 Syz 40 Comments

Assalamualaikum and hello there! For this post I'll be sharing some pictures and of course a bit of my experience at the Best Street Food Festival, which took place on the 24th-27th of November 2016 (kinda late on this one, hehe..) Basically I heard about this event through my uni group, someone had forwarded a picture-poster and as soon as I read it, boyyyy, I was sold. There is no way I'm missing an event that have either one of these two things: cheap bargains, and food. So I went with few friends of mine. We went out around 11 am and the place it was held at - Tapak Letak Kereta (parking lot), PKNS Shah Alam - was not at all far from where we all stayed, probably a 5 mins drive? I think we pretty much arrived a bit too early, since most of the stalls were still setting up. The stall owners were busy unloading their cars and preparing all the things. We walked around the place while waiting for most of the stalls to be opened, there were still no crowd at that time so it was pretty chill. There were already stalls that had jars and containers of cookies, biscuits and sweets up on display, also all of the stalls that sold drinks were already up and running, there were all types of drinks, from freshly-made coconut shake to mango shake to iced milo to iced mocha in a bottle. As we had gone out without having any breakfast, we were all super hungry and were surveying for something fulfilling. It didn't take much time for the rest of the stalls to open, and as soon as they did, all kinds of delicious smells were hovering in the air, yummm. We first settled on a place to sit and managed to secure a table before the place got all crowded. Next, we headed to a stall called "Nasi Lemak Anak Dara" and of course, bought Nasi Lemak. Mine was with chicken and costed RM 5, the one without chicken costed RM 4 (if you're not a fan of chicken you'd save RM 1, haha) The portion was okay, it wasn't too small nor was it large, I'd say it was worth the price (although I could get a filling plate of nasi goreng for a cheaper price). May I just say the sambal was super spicy... or maybe it was because I had a really bad sore throat at the time. Other than the nasi lemak, we had also tried a box of pizza (not sure which stall it was from since my friend bought it), which was omgosh delicious, although I was not a fan of the crust (since I like thin crusts) but the toppings were on point, meat, pineapple and cheeseeeeee. I really like the fact that they weren't selfish with the toppings and nor did they go overboard with it, each slice had the right amount of everything. We had also tried this pastry, which was like cream puffs, except it was a bit more doughy and chewy, but still had the custard filling. Overall it was nice to just chill there and enjoy good food with bunch of friends, although my buddy had some struggles in finding things to eat since she was a vegetarian and all she found was grilled corn (btw she didn't buy any cause it was expensive) so she just had a cup of milo for breakfast (: 

Alright, that's all for this post! The pictures are all thanks to my buddy, unfortunately my back camera was broken so I couldn't take any photos.


  1. the pizza looks so goood! I would love to have a slice of it! haha

  2. I think this one is better compared yang dekat stadium shah alam tu. Tak macam food festival because most of them sell tudung, blouse, make up and etc.

    1. Waaah really? Yang ni ada jugak stalls yang jual clothes ngn shoes, but only like 2 or 3 stalls.. The rest of the stalls jual makanan ngn minuman

  3. Yummynya kebab tu! omagad terliur...

  4. The famous "Nasi Lemak Anak Dara" :D Sedapnya semua makanan. Kenapa siqah tak tahu kewujudan festival ni? Huhu. Ruginya rasa tak pergi.

  5. the food looks so yummeh. Teringin nak rasa nasi lemak anak dara tu.

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